Are black diamonds more expensive?

Are black diamonds more expensive? – The answer to this question cannot be simply YES or NO. The price of a black diamond depends on multiple factors like the size or carat weight, quality, demand and most importantly the type or origin of the diamond that is- whether the diamond is a naturally black diamond or treated.

Firstly the size and the quality of the black diamond are crucial factors deciding the price. Black diamonds like emeralds typically have inclusions; it is difficult to find a rich black clear piece. In simple words the clearer the diamond with uniform and dark black color -the better the quality- higher the price.  The impurities also cause the breaking of the diamond during the cutting process. Thus to find an inclusion free diamond above one carat is even more difficult. This rarity also leads to the increase in prices.

The demand, though the demands for black diamonds is relatively low. This is because of the lack of knowledge and confusion about the origin, authenticity and value of black diamonds. The fact that diamonds can be opaque or black is still not popularly accepted. However this demand has multiplied many times over the last decade and so have the prices. This also proves that black diamonds are a good investment.

Finally the origin- naturally black diamonds are a rarity (especially above one carat), they do not require any treatment or enhancement and are often certified by GIA. Taking one carat as a standard, an heirloom quality natural black diamond can be equally or more expensive than any white diamond counterpart. On the other hand, treated or enhanced black diamonds are far cheaper than the white diamonds; in fact a one carat treated black diamond can cost less than one-fourth the price of a natural white diamond. So if we go by the popular trend, since almost all black diamonds sold in the market are treated it can be said that black diamonds are less expensive than the white diamonds.

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