How are black diamonds different from white diamonds?

Black diamonds and white diamonds are very similar yet as different as day and night or chalk and cheese. Each diamond takes millions of years to form deep inside bowels of the earth under extreme pressure and temperature. Both black and white diamonds are composed of carbon and impurities in the same crystal structure yet both the diamonds do not look the same at all.

Black Diamonds
White Diamonds

Diamonds since ages have been valued for their transparency and flawless sparkle. However, black diamonds do not possess any these qualities.

Below are a the major differences

COLOR– As the name suggests the black diamonds are black, they get their color primarily due to the presence of graphite and other impurities. When mined most diamonds are not exactly black rather look dark grey, dark brown to dark green. In fact, most diamonds have to be treated to obtain the uniform black color.

SPARKLE– The impurities create gaps in the diamond thus making the diamond opaque and porous. When the light falls on the black diamond instead if it being reflected back it gets absorbed thus preventing the diamond from sparkling. Black diamonds have a rich gloss or sheen like that of a shinny black Mercedes.  

SHAPE & CUT- Black diamonds are available in all possible shapes. While shaping the white diamond the experts have to worry about the number of facets etc for maximum sparkle, but since black diamonds are opaque they can be cut in any symmetrical or asymmetrical shape just to retain the size. Heart to rose-cut to hexagon to kite, black diamonds are available in a variety of quirky shapes. Great choice if you like something unconventional!

Cutting and polishing the black diamonds is very a tricky job because of the inclusions and the porous structure. The diamond may suddenly crack or chip off while cutting, it requires skilled professional to cut black diamonds.

Now that we know how black diamonds are different from white and other colored diamonds, make sure you shop them from a reputed store or a website like

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